Wednesday, December 12, 2012

“You Will Always Go Far With CTR”
Ctr will always help you because your choosing the right and when you choose the right good and rewarding things happen for example if I have a big test the next day, and friends invite me to crazy college party and I refuse to go because I have to study, I will get a good score on the test just by choosing the right. Ctr is hard to do but if you focus on choosing the right you will always get great results. For example I once had a friend that liked to smoke marijuana he always kept offering me marijuana until I no longer spoke to him I knew that was choosing the wrong the next week he got caught smoking I was proud that I choose the right.
 If you choose the wrong there is going to be consequences for example if I smoke and drink I will eventually have health problems like lung cancer, heart attack, and liver cancer. That could have been avoided by choosing the right you see choosing the wrong is the wrong way to go and you will go completely nowhere if you choose the wrong you will end up in jail. Many people succeed by choosing the right if people didn’t choose the right many things wouldn’t exist the more people succeed the more things they can accomplish. I want to choose the right to be something in life and have a good paying job so that I can afford all the things I want. I do not want to have a job that I would not enjoy or a job that doesn’t pay as much.
Choose the Right

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Academic Success Part 2

Laura B.’s academic story
In high school I was one of the good students who didn't really have to study to be good student. The information that I took for notes in class usually sunk in enough for me to be able to get on the tests by simply reviewing the material just before the class began. It wasn't that I didn't try, I had a 4.0 all throughout high school, but I never had to put forth much of an effort to get the results that I wanted to see. In collage however, that changed. Not only did I start studying and reading the book, but I began to understand that the little tiny facts were just as important as the general concepts. My overall study method: I do the reading that is required for the classes, and try to keep it up. If id o fall behind, I usually use the notes in class and actually attend every class that I can. Sometimes, with volleyball, it’s tough because we are on the road a lot, but if I do miss class of volleyball I make sure that I get the notes from another student in the class. Also, for a subject such as chemistry, I do practice problems to help me understand what the materials mean.


Friday, December 7, 2012

I will persist until I succeed
Part 2
How I've overcome an initial bad grade: when receiving a bad grade, I just try to do better on the second exam and study harder. It’s hard when you have your first test in a class and have no idea what to expect. The second one is usually easier since you know what to expect from your teachers

My strategies for written assignments: start early and make sure that you have it proofread. Also, with written assignment, having a timeline planned out can help by setting a certain number of pages done by a certain day before the paper is due.

How I succeed in team projects: COMMUNICATION! Despite the group’s synergy, communication is crucial. I remember I am out of cell phone minutes constantly when working on a group projects for my marketing research class. It’s really important that everyone is on the same page and getting same emails. The worst is when two people are working on the same portion of the project and don’t even realize it

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

You can succeed in School if you will
                           Part 4
 As kennedy lay crumpled in her hospital bed following the accident, she realized that many of her wounds were invisible. ‘’after the car accident, I suffered from low self-esteem and depression,’’ she said. ‘’for years, I allowed someone I loved physically, mentally and emotional abuse’’.
She had previously tried taking a few DCCC classes, but she said she was immature and not ready for academic challenge. She dropped out. After the accident she returned to DCCC to take cosmetology classes she left school a second time and began working as a certified nursing assistant. After yet another car accident she felt unstable, hopeless, and didn’t know what to do