Thursday, November 29, 2012

you can succeed in school if you will part 1

You Can Succeed in School

If You Will

Part 1

Chris Mishak, who earned a degree in Medical Laboratory Technology from DCCC in 1998, is the second MLT graduate from DCCC to be accepted into physician assistant’s school.

In August 2011, Mishak will begin studying at Emory University in Atlanta to become a physician’s assistant.

He says DCCC prepared him well to transfer to Winston-Salem state University, where he earned his undergraduate degree in clinical laboratory science in 2004. Since then, he has worked in the lab at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

“I learned pretty much everything that I needed to know about laboratory science at DCCC. Many of the clinical applications that I learned there I still use today either in my medical volunteering in phlebotomy or in the duties of my current job, which includes training new technologists on cell identification,” said Mishak.

   It is pretty easy to be successful in school. If students work hard and honorably, it’s not difficult at all. All students need to do is study, put in the time: it’s as simple as that. If students aren’t willing to study now, it will be very difficult to develop this later on. Therefore, I suggest that students work hard in their studies and at being good people, doing nothing to get them in trouble during high school. By doing so, they will enjoy success during high school and throughout their lifetime.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

student success statement
" the secret to achieve true success is found in your daily routine."
reflection: secrets were eant to be kept but success was meant for you to show

How to Always Succeed in School

¨ Many people avoid making decisions their whole lives, so their decisive faculty of mind, the faculty of discrimination, becomes rusty and dies. Such people become totally dependent on others. When we study the four functions of the mind—Bodhi, the faculty of decisiveness;  ego, the principle of identity; chitta, the store house of impressions; and manes, the importer and exporter of sensation and experience—then we become aware of the power of the will.

¨ Watch what you do on a daily basis. We become what we do and think about. If you think about being a great student-you will become a great student-you will become a great student.

           CHOOSE THE RIGHT!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

How to Always Succeed In School

Do the math. Even if you’re struggling in math, stay with it. Knowing math gives you options. It opens doors to good jobs in computers, engineering and business. And it helps your mind get organized.

Ä         Take math problems one step one step at a time.

Ä         Do your math homework every day, Falling behind will make it that much hardier.

Ä         Ask for help and study with friends if you are having problems understanding a concept.

Ä         The first point to understand is the philology and science of decisions on time. The most successful person is that person who knows how to decide on time.

                  CHOOSE THE RIGHT!  


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to Always Succeed in School

Write. Writing is a way to express yourself; your ideas, opinions and knowledge. And you may do a lot of it in college and on job.

Write a little every day. try keeping a daily journal to make a habit of writing

Let your writing sit for a while and then come back to it.

Read your writing out loud or have someone read it to you.

Edit someone else’s writing and let that person edit yours.

Learn to write and write to learn

Write creatively. Writing on your personal web blog is a great way to put your words into writing and to journalize your writing day after day.

Write your life history

Write your life’s goals in a journal review these goals often; revise your goals as needed. But, write them down.

             CHOOSE THE RIGHT!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

graduate from High School

What will I do to graduate high school you might ask? Well I will do everything and anything in my power to graduate. I will do what it takes to be at the top, considering others as well. I will be the kindest person alive if I have to. I will use most of my free time to study, if that’s what it takes. I will ostracize myself from everyone if it indeed takes that. I say I will do these extremes because to me education is the second most important thing in my life. If I had to sell all of my possessions in order to go to school, I would do it.  The most important thing in life is family.
I really want to graduate I want to make my family proud about me. I also want to live in a nice house with cool cars and a job I actually love I don’t want to near hp I want to move somewhere nice and decent

While we grow, we learn and mature and start our own lives and families, but to get any of that you must have an education, a high school education to be precise. My education can get me to places I have never been to or ever dreamed of. That is why I will do anything in my power to graduate high school. Some examples of what I am doing to graduate.

·         paying attention in class to not only the instructor but fellow students

·         studying every subject (even if I don’t have homework) after school and sometimes before

·         think about the consequences of my actions and act depending on the situation

·         expect to receive all exams and assignments with the best possible answer I could have gotten

Monday, November 5, 2012

how to succeed in school

How To Always Succeed in School

Study. Yeah, that’s right. Study. Read, review and analyze class materials so you know it. This takes time, effort and quite place. If you learn how to study now, you’ll be way ahead before you even start college.

·       Ask for help if you’re having trouble. You may need to ask more than one person.

·       Have a special area for studying where you won’t be distracted.

·       Study in small “chunks” and take regular breaks. Try not to cram.

·       Have a regular study routine to make studying a habit.

·       Study with a friend or group and share information.

                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!


Friday, November 2, 2012

How to Always Succeed in School

Listen and ask questions. Still afraid of looking stupid? Don’t worry about it. If you’ve got a question about something, chances are your classmates do too.

·     Review your notes and assignments before class.

·     Give your teacher your full attention and concentrate on what is being said.

·     Relate the topic to what you already know and listen for main ideas.

·     Make eye contact with your teacher and take notes.

·     Ask questions if you don’t understand, but try not to interrupt your teacher. Raise your hand or wait until your teacher pauses or asks for questions.