Tuesday, November 6, 2012

graduate from High School

What will I do to graduate high school you might ask? Well I will do everything and anything in my power to graduate. I will do what it takes to be at the top, considering others as well. I will be the kindest person alive if I have to. I will use most of my free time to study, if that’s what it takes. I will ostracize myself from everyone if it indeed takes that. I say I will do these extremes because to me education is the second most important thing in my life. If I had to sell all of my possessions in order to go to school, I would do it.  The most important thing in life is family.
I really want to graduate I want to make my family proud about me. I also want to live in a nice house with cool cars and a job I actually love I don’t want to near hp I want to move somewhere nice and decent

While we grow, we learn and mature and start our own lives and families, but to get any of that you must have an education, a high school education to be precise. My education can get me to places I have never been to or ever dreamed of. That is why I will do anything in my power to graduate high school. Some examples of what I am doing to graduate.

·         paying attention in class to not only the instructor but fellow students

·         studying every subject (even if I don’t have homework) after school and sometimes before

·         think about the consequences of my actions and act depending on the situation

·         expect to receive all exams and assignments with the best possible answer I could have gotten

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